Conqueror 57

  • Cornelia Henrietta Maria Spencer-Churchill, Lady, O.B.E., + 1927, Md. 1868, Ivor Bertie Guest, 1st Baron Wimborne (1880), * 1835, + 1914.
  • A1. Ivor Churchill Guest, 1st Viscount Wimborne (1918), P.C., * 1873, + 1939, Md. 1902, Hon. Alice Katherine Sibell Grosvenor, * 1880, + 1948, d. of Robert Wellesley Grosvenor, 2nd Baron Ebury.
  • A2. (Christian) Henry Charles Guest, Hon., M.P., * 1874, + 1957, Md. 1911, Hon. Frances Henrietta Lyttelton, * 1885, + 1918, d. of Charles George Lyttelton, 5th Lord Lyttelton, 8th Viscount Cobham, ISSUE SEE HERE.
  • A3. Frederick Edward Guest, Capt. Hon., C.B.E., D.S.O., P.C., M.P., * 1875, + 1937, Md. 1905, Amy Phipps, + 1959, d. of Henry Phipps of Pittsburgh, U.S.A.
  • A4. Lionel George William Guest, Capt. Hon., O.B.E., * 1880, + 1935, Md. 1905, Flora Bigelow, + 1964, of Hon. John Bigelow of New York, U.S.A.
  • A5. (Oscar) Montague Guest, Maj. Hon., M.P., * 1888, + 1958, Md. 1924, Kathleen Susan Paterson, + 1982, d. of Graham Paterson.
  • A5. Frances Charlotte Guest, Hon., G.B.E., + 1957, Md. 1894, Frederick John Thesiger, 1st Viscount Chelmsford (1921), P.C., G.C.S.I., G.C.M.G., G.C.I.E., G.B.E., * 1868, + 1933, ISSUE SEE HERE.
  • A6. Corisande Evelyn Vere Guest, Hon., C.B.E., + 1943, Md. 1891 (div. 1902), George Bridges Harley Dennett Rodney, 7th Baron Rodney, * 1857, + 1909.
  • A7. Elaine Augusta Guest, Hon., Md.1) 1898, Ernest Amherst Villiers, * 1863, + 1923, s. of Rev. Charles Lawrence (later Villiers), ISSUE SEE HERE.
  • A8. Rosamond Cornelia Gwladys Guest, Hon., + 1947, Md. 1899, Matthew White Ridley|, 2nd Viscount Ridley, * 1874, + 1916.


    Conqueror 58

  • Frances Charlotte Guest, Hon., G.B.E., + 1957, Md. 1894, Frederick John Thesiger, 1st Viscount Chelmsford (1921), P.C., G.C.S.I., G.C.M.G., G.C.I.E., G.B.E., * 1868, + 1933.
  • A1. Frederic Ivor Thesiger, Lt., * 1896, + 1917 from wounds received in action in Mesopotamia.
  • A2. Andrew Charles Gerald Thesiger, 2nd Viscount Chelmsford, * 1903, + 1970, Md. 1927, Gillian Lubbock, + 1978, d. of Arthur Nevile Lubbock.
    • B1. (Frederic) Jan Thesiger, 3rd Viscount Chelmsford, * 1931, Md. 1958, Clare Rendle Rolston, d. of Dr. George Rendle Rolston of Haslemere, Surrey.
      • C1. Frederic Corin Piers Thesiger, Hon., * 1962.
      • C2. Tiffany Gay Thesiger, Hon., * 1968.
    • B2. Dawn Loraine Thesiger, Hon., * 1934.
    • B3. Philippa Marryn Thesiger, Hon., * 1939.
  • A3. Joan Frances Vere Thesiger, Hon., * 1895, + 1971, Md. 1920, Capt. Sir Alan Frederick Lascelles, P.C., G.C.B., G.C.V.O., C.M.G., M.C., * 1887, + 1981, s. of Cmdr. Hon. Frederick Canning Lascelles, R.N.
    • B1. John Frederick Lascelles, Capt., * 1922, + 1951.
    • B2. Lavinia Joan Lascelles, * 1923, Md.1) 1946 (div. 1960), Maj. Edward Westland Renton.
      • C1. Nicholas John Renton, * 1946, Md. 1975, Caroline Mary Harrow, d. of Kennedy Mayo Harrow of N.Z.
        • D1. Alan Edward Mayo Renton, * 1976.
        • D2. Zoe Eleanor Renton, * 1979.
      • C2. Simon Anthony Renton, * 1948, Md. 1977, Amanda Jane Schrie, d. of David Schrie of Cape Town, South Africa.
        • D1. Julia Esther Renton, * 1979.
        • D2. Claudia Jessamine Renton, * 1981.
    • Md.2) 1962 (div. 1964), Gavin Maxwell; Md.3) 1969, David Hankinson.
    • B3. Caroline Mary Lascelles, * 1927, Md.1) 1949, Anthony Alfred Lyttelton, 2nd Viscount Chandos, * 1920, + 1980.
      • C1. Thomas Orlando Lyttelton, 3rd Viscount Chandos, * 1953, Md. 1985, Arabella Sarah Lucy Bailey, d. of John Adrian Bailey.
        • D1. Oliver Antony Lyttelton, Hon., * 1986.
        • D2. Benedict Lyttelton, Hon., * 1988.
        • D3. Rosanna Mary Lyttelton, Hon., * 1990.
      • C2. Matthew Peregrine Antony Lyttelton, Hon., * 1956.
      • C3. Laura Katherine Lyttelton, Hon., * 1950.
      • C4. Deborah Claire Lyttelton, Hon., * 1963.
    • Md.2) 1985, Hon. David Hervey Erskine, * 1924, s. of John Francis Ashley Erskine, Lord Erskine, G.C.I.E., G.C.S.I.
  • A4. Anne Molyneux Thesiger, Hon., * 1898, + 1973, Md. 1921, Donough Edward Foster O’Brien, 16th Baron of Inchiquin, * 1897, + 1968.
    • B1. Deirdre Jane Frances O’Brien, Hon., * 1924, Md. 1954, Horace Beecher Chaplin, + 1992, s. of Horace H. Chaplin of New York, U.S.A.
    • B2. Grania Rachel O’Brien, Hon., * 1928, Md. 1973, Hugh William Lindsay Weir, s. of Maj. Terence J. C. Weir, M.C.
  • A5. Bridget Mary Thesiger, Hon., * 1900, +, Md.1) 1919 (div. 1937), Maj. Richard Hasell Sheepshanks, D.S.O., M.V.O.
    • B1. Robin John Sheepshanks, Capt., C.B.E., Md. 1951, Lilas Mulgrave Noble, * 1931, d. of Sir Humphrey Brunel Noble, 4th Bt., M.B.E., M.C.
      • C1. David Richard Sheepshanks, * 1952.
      • C2. Richard John Sheepshanks, * 1955.
      • C3. Andrew Charles Sheekshanks, * 1960.
      • C4. Christopher James Sheepshanks, * 1964.
  • Md.2) 1938, Nello Beccari, + 1957, s. of Dr. Odoardo Beccari of Florence, Italy.
  • A6. Margaret St. Clair Sidney Thesiger, Hon., * 191, +, Md. 1934, John Monck (formerly Monk Goldman), s. of Maj. Charles Sydney Goldman.
    • B1. Robert Frederic Monck, * 1938, Md. 1962, Barbara Lloyd.
      • C1. Amanda Elizabeth Monck, * 1963.
      • C2. Margaret Frances Monck, * 1964.
    • B2. Charles Sydney Penryn Monck, * 1945.


    Conqueror 59

  • Rosamond Jane Frances Spencer-Churchill, Lady, + 1920, Md. 1877, William Henry Fellowes, 2nd Baron De Ramsey, * 1848, + 1925.
  • A1. Coulson Churchill Fellowes, Capt., Hon., * 1883, + 1915 from illness contracted on active service, Md.1) 1906 (div. 1912), Gwendolyn Dorothy Jefferson, d. of Harry Wyndham Jefferson of Stoke Rochford Hall, Lincolnshire.
    • B1. Ailwyn Edward Fellowes, 3rd Baron De Ramsey, K.B.E., * 1910, + 1993, Md. 1937, Lilah Helen Suzanne Labouchere, + 1987, d. of Francis Anthony Labouchere.
      • C1. John Ailwyn Fellowes, 4th Baron De Ramsey, * 1942, Md.1) 1973 (div. 1983), Phyllida Mary Forsyth, d. of Dr. Philip Forsyth.
        • D1. Freddie John Fellowes, Hon., * 1978.
      • Md.2) 1984, Alison Mary Birkmyre, d. of Sir Archibald Birkmyre, 3rd Bt.
        • D2. Charles Henry Fellowes, Hon., * 1986.
        • D3. Daisy Lilah Fellowes, Hon., * 1988.
        • D4. Flora Mary Fellowes, Hon., * 1991.
      • C2. Andrew Edward Fellowes, Hon., of Queensland, Australia, * 1950, Md., Anne Tweedy, d. of Roy Tweedy of North Star, Australia.
        • D1. Robert Andrew Fellowes, * 1978.
        • D2. Katherine Jane Fellowes, * 1976.
        • D3. Rachael Julie Fellowes, * 1982.
      • C3. Sarah Fellowes, Hon., of Majorca, * 1938, Md. 1972, Peter Alfred Shelton.
        • D1. David Patrick Shelton, * 1977.
        • D2. Fay Lilah Shelton, * 1973.
      • C4. Jennifer Julia Fellowes, Hon., * 1940, Md. 1964 (div. 1986), John Frederick Moxon.
        • D1. Simon John Moxon, * 1965.
        • D2. Matthew Sebastian Moxon, * 1967.
        • D3. Christian Frederick Moxon, * 1974.
        • D4. Alice Lavinia Moxon, * 1966, Md. 1989, Anthony Cripps, of Sydney, NSW, Australia.
          • E1. William John Cripps, * 1990.
          • E2. Henry Anthony Cripps, * 1992.
          • E3. Charles Frederick Cripps, * 1996.
          • E4. Daisy Jennifer Elizabeth Cripps, * 1997.
        • D4. Emily Faith Martha Moxon, * 1972.
    • B2. Diana Rosamond Fellowes, Hon., * 1907, + 1937, Md. 1932, Henry Rogers Broughton, 2nd Baron Fairhaven, * 1900, + 1973.
      • C1. Ailwyn Henry George Roger Broughton, 3rd Baron Fairhaven, * 1936, Md. 1960, Kathleen Patricia Magill, d. of Col. James Henry Magill, O.B.E.
        • D1. James Henry Ailwyn Broughton, Maj. Hon., * 1963, Md. 190, Sarah Olivia Creighton, d. of Harold Digby Fitzgerald Creighton.
          • E1. George Ailwyn James Broughton, * 1997.
          • E2. Sophie Rose Broughton, * 1992.
          • E3. Emily Patricia Broughton, * 1995.
        • D2. Huttleston Rupert Broughton, Hon., * 1970.
        • D3. Charles Leander Broughton, Hon., * 1973.
        • D4. Henry Robert Broughton, Hon., * 1978.
        • D5. Diana Cara Broughton, Hon., * 1961, Md.1) 1983 (div.), Guy Dominic Thornton, * 1960, s. of Brian Maurice Thornton.
          • E1. Thomas George Cranbrook Thornton, * 1986.
        • Md.2) 1991, Alan Brodie Henderson.
        • D6. Melanie Frances Broughton, Hon., Md.1) 1989 (div. 1992), Matthew Eric Smith, * 1960, s. of Mark Eric Smith.
          • E1. Shamus Oliver Smith, * 1990.
        • Md.2), Andrew Edgar.
          • E2. Archie Edgar, * 1997.
          • E3. Alice Isobel Edgar, * 1995.
  • Md.2) 1914, Hon. Lilah O’Brien, * 1884, +, d. of Edward Donough O’Brien, 14th Baron Inchiquin, K.P.
    • B3. (John) David Coulson Fellowes, Hon., * 1915, Md.1) 1946 (div. 1962), Louise Domville, + 1975, d. of Sir James Henry Domville, 5th Bt.
      • C1. Peter Reginald Fellowes, * 1948, Md. 1980, Alison Elizabeth Vance, d. of Dr. John Vance.
        • D1. Charles Oliver Vance Fellowes, * 1983.
        • D2. Daisy Louise Fellowes, * 1984.
      • C2. a daughter * & + 1953.
      • C3. Jacqueline Denise Fellowes, * 1955, Md. 1982, Michael Humfrey.
    • Md.2) 1963, Joan Lynette Rees, + 1965, d. of Edgard George Rees; Md.3) 1977, Mervyn de Toll, d. of Reinold de Toll.
  • A2. Reginald Ailwyn Fellowes, Capt. Hon., * 1884, + 1953, Md. 1919, Marguerite Severine Philippine Glucksberg, + 1962, d. of 4th Duke of Decazas and Glucksburg.
    • B1. Rosamond Daisy Fellowes, of Ontario, Canada, * 1921, Md.1) 1941 (div. 1945), Capt. James Gustavus Gladstone, s. of Sir Hugh Gladstone.
      • C1. James Reginald Gladstone, * 1943, Md.1) 1965, Mary Valentine Chiodetti.
        • D1. Alexander Gladstone, * 1969.
        • D2. Benedict Hugh Gladstone, * 1973.
      • Md.2) 1993, Jane Doxford.
    • Md.2) 1952 (div.), Tadeusz Maria Wiszniewski, s. of Dr. Maria Ludwik Wiszniewski of Poland.
      • C2. Diana Marguerite Mary Wiszniewski, * 1953, Md. 1978 (div. 1995), Robert Shaw.
        • D1. James Robert Shaw, * 1983.
        • D2. Jennie Marguerite Shaw, * 1981.
  • A3. Alexandra Frances Anne Fellowes, Hon., * 1880, + 1955, Md. 1904, Brig.Gen. Hon. Ferdinand Charles Stanley, C.M.G., D.S.O., * 1871, + 1935.
    • B1. Frederick Arthur Stanley, Col., O.B.E., * 1905, + 1978, Md. 1932, Ann Jane Collins, d. of Col. William Fellowes Collins, D.S.O.
      • C1. Peter Henry Arthur Stanley, * 1933, Md.1) 1965 (div. 1985), Countess Gunilla Margaretha Antonia Sophie Douglas, d. of Count Wilhelm Douglas of Baden, Germany.
        • D1. Robin James Axel Stanley, * 1968.
        • D2. Louisa Charlotte Ann Stanley, * 1966.
      • Md.2) 1990 (div. 1992), Lucy Barnett, d. of James A. Barnett of Bel Air, California, U.S.A.
      • C2. Sarah Stanley, * 1935, Md. 1962, Simon Hawkshaw Creswell, s. of Capt. John Creswell, R.N.
        • D1. Alexander John Peter Creswell, * 1965, Md. 1995, Katherine Louise Reid.
        • D2. Miranda Ann Louise Creswell, * 1963, Md. 1994, Rory D. A. Carnegie.
          • E1. Sholto Hector Hawshaw Carnegie, * 1995.
          • E2. Lorcan Fred Andrew Carnegie, * 1996.
          • E3. Cloudy Ann Hardy Carnegie, * 1993.
        • D3. Sophia Alice Chrystal Creswell, * 1969.
    • B2. John Stanley, * 1907, + 1964.
    • B3. Henry Ferdinand Stanley, Maj., M.C., * 1911, Md. 1949, Grizel Sophie MacEwen, d. of A.V.M. Sir Norman Duckworth Kerr MacEwen, C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O.
  • A4. Gladys Cecil Georgina Fellowes, Hon., * 1885, + 1952, Md. 1907, Heneage Greville Finch, Capt. Lord Guernsey, * 1883, + 1914 killed in action, s. of Charles Wightwick Finch, 8th Earl of Aylesford.
    • B1. Heneage Michael Charles Finch, 9th Earl of Aylesford, * 1908, + 1940 killed in action at Wormhondt, Md. 1940, Pamela Elizabeth Coventry, + 1990, d. of Col. Hon. Charles John Coventry, C.B.
  • A5. Hermione Frances Caroline Fellowes, Hon., * 1886, + 1972, Md.1) 1909 (div. 1923), Brig.Gen. Lord Esme Charles Gordon-Lennox, K.C.V.O., C.M.G., D.S.O., * 1875, + 1949, s. of Charles Henry Gordon-Lennox, 7th Duke of Richmond and Lennox, 2nd Duke of Gordon.
    • B1. Reginald Arthur Charles Gordon-Lennox, * 1910, + 1965, Md. 1942, Pamela Cicely Leyland, + 1997, d. of Capt Christopher Digby Leyland.
      • C1. James David Charles Gordon-Lennox, * 1944, Md. 1973 (div. 1979), Sally Cooper Brain, d. of John Roger Cooper Brain.
        • D1. Henry Gordon-Lennox, * 1976.
      • C2. Clare Evelyn Gordon-Lennox, * 1946, Md. 1967, Edmund Clive Lardner-Burke.
  • Md.2) 1923, Baron Rolf Cederstrom, + 1947, s. of Baron Edward Cederstrom of Stockholm, Sweden, Issue.
  • A6. Sybil Inna Mildred Fellowes, Hon., * 1888, + 1948, Md. 1915, James George Anson Butler, 5th Marquess of Ormonde, * 1890, + 1949.
    • B1. James Anthony Butler, Viscount Thurles, * 1916, + 1940.
    • B2. Moyra Rosamond Butler, Lady, * 1920, + 1959, Md.1) 1940 (div. 1948), Capt. Charles Robert Cecil Weld-Forester, * 1919, + 1988, s. of Maj. Hon. Edric Alfred Cecil Forester, C.V.O.
      • C1. Piers Edric Forester, * 1946, + 1977, Md. 1973, Georgina Youens, + 1974 in a Paris air crash, d. of Chaplain-Gen. Ven. John Youens of West Byfleet, Surrey.
    • Md.2) 1948, Count Guy Jacques van den Steen de Jehay, s. of Count Werner van den Steen de Jehay, Issue.